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MainSelection: 2023

MainSelection: 2023
CategorySelection: Holdem 9 to 10 Players Turbo

2023 - Holdem 9 to 10 Players Turbo - $2 and under - Profit
Ranking Player Country Network Profit
1 Sakura2892 PokerStars 1463.0
2 sumimasen90 PokerStars 1239.0
3 jessicamacedo PokerStars 1120.0
4 FelipePRO287 PokerStars 1030.0
5 Dianho1903 PartyPoker 989.0
6 quAAsar PokerStars 869.0
7 thePUSHguy PartyPoker 791.0
8 sawibalma9999 PartyPoker 757.0
9 jjplok PokerStars 726.0
10 Benvenuti 98 PokerStars 710.0
11 cleudin PartyPoker 690.0
12 Agnus@01 PokerStars 684.0
13 IUHNISEKI PokerStars 643.0
14 xDOCKERS PokerStars 629.0
15 AndAleixo PokerStars 608.0
16 OiTms PokerStars 597.0
17 MoneyForNothing PartyPoker 596.0
18 henriquinhom PokerStars 573.0
19 Maxi93s PokerStars 560.0
20 VERBA86 PokerStars 543.0

2023 - Holdem 9 to 10 Players Turbo - $2 and under - Count
Ranking Player Country Network Count
1 sumimasen90 PokerStars 15694.0
2 Agnus@01 PokerStars 15042.0
3 AlexeyK7777 PokerStars 11336.0
4 ediiiiii PokerStars 10040.0
5 Maxi93s PokerStars 10008.0
6 VERBA86 PokerStars 9297.0
7 henriquinhom PokerStars 9139.0
8 FelipePRO287 PokerStars 9036.0
9 radiorlz PokerStars 8686.0
10 Xeque-mate28 PokerStars 8075.0
11 Sakura2892 PokerStars 8033.0
12 Tedinho93 PartyPoker 7552.0
13 caduko PokerStars 7024.0
14 Dofeitosa PokerStars 6934.0
15 DNJ13 PokerStars 6918.0
16 jessicamacedo PokerStars 6837.0
17 Leon Eckert PokerStars 6720.0
18 Benvenuti 98 PokerStars 6589.0
19 Direktor35x PokerStars 6476.0
20 deibsonpoker PokerStars 6424.0

2023 - Holdem 9 to 10 Players Turbo - $2 and under - Best 500 Streak
Ranking Player Country Network Best 500 Streak
1 Floyd73 PartyPoker 0.67
2 Dianho1903 PartyPoker 0.57
2 ALDR4111 PokerStars 0.57
4 barth5636 PartyPoker 0.54
5 SideHustlez PartyPoker 0.52
6 cleudin PartyPoker 0.5
7 Tedinho93 PartyPoker 0.49
7 DNJ13 PartyPoker 0.49
7 IUHNISEKI PokerStars 0.49
10 zepoker888 PartyPoker 0.47
10 kdwan PokerStars 0.47
10 Benvenuti 98 PokerStars 0.47
10 jessicamacedo PokerStars 0.47
14 Don.Olvin PokerStars 0.46
15 OiTms PokerStars 0.43
15 Myrkdirn PokerStars 0.43
17 thePUSHguy PartyPoker 0.42
17 r.uruguay PokerStars 0.42
17 xDOCKERS PokerStars 0.42
20 BTrinchero PokerStars 0.41
20 Flokkl PokerStars 0.41

2023 - Holdem 9 to 10 Players Turbo - $2 and under - Best 100 Streak
Ranking Player Country Network Best 100 Streak
1 Tedinho93 PartyPoker 1.3
2 Floyd73 PartyPoker 1.22
3 Don.Olvin PokerStars 1.21
4 Benvenuti 98 PokerStars 1.16
4 IUHNISEKI PokerStars 1.16
6 Myrkdirn PokerStars 1.13
7 ALDR4111 PokerStars 1.12
8 thePUSHguy PartyPoker 1.07
9 caricabraga PartyPoker 1.06
9 Leon Eckert PokerStars 1.06
11 Leobiosfera PokerStars 1.05
12 Agnus@01 PokerStars 1.03
13 Dianho1903 PartyPoker 1.01
13 BTrinchero PokerStars 1.01
15 filipejf86 PokerStars 1.0
16 AKyJlA777 PokerStars 0.98
16 bruber94 PokerStars 0.98
16 Siorassc PokerStars 0.98
19 Maceu98 PartyPoker 0.97
20 Legenda-One PartyPoker 0.96
20 L_yukiiy PartyPoker 0.96
20 DNJ13 PartyPoker 0.96