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MainSelection: 2023

MainSelection: 2023
CategorySelection: Holdem 9 to 10 Players Super Turbo

2023 - Holdem 9 to 10 Players Super Turbo - $36-$100 - Profit
Ranking Player Country Network Profit
1 Il24 WPN 460.0
2 SatoshiNakomoto WPN 415.0
3 manupochat PokerStars 410.0
4 Atizeitor WPN 346.0
4 wpr101 WPN 346.0
6 RedM12 WPN 211.0
7 Ice Bank Mice Elf WPN 147.0
8 PatePate WPN 28.0
9 zotyi91 WPN 3.0

2023 - Holdem 9 to 10 Players Super Turbo - $36-$100 - Count
Ranking Player Country Network Count
1 bbruins13 WPN 39.0
2 pokarhontas WPN 33.0
2 LopstaHH WPN 33.0
4 PatePate WPN 28.0
5 Maz11 WPN 19.0
6 Mindlovers WPN 15.0
7 Ice Bank Mice Elf WPN 11.0
7 Viroforti WPN 11.0
9 princ pensii WPN 6.0
9 zotyi91 WPN 6.0
11 WilliamHBonney WPN 5.0
11 Il24 WPN 5.0
11 khhimself WPN 5.0
11 SatoshiNakomoto WPN 5.0
11 BabyBowser WPN 5.0
11 Ikandoiet WPN 5.0
17 gcone593 WPN 4.0
18 ScooterGallo WPN 3.0
19 RedM12 WPN 2.0
19 extasyman PokerStars 2.0
19 manupochat PokerStars 2.0
19 msilveira11 PokerStars 2.0
19 Atizeitor WPN 2.0
19 wpr101 WPN 2.0