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MainSelection: 2022

MainSelection: 2022
CategorySelection: Holdem 9 to 10 Players Turbo

2022 - Holdem 9 to 10 Players Turbo - $101-$300 - Profit
Ranking Player Country Network Profit
1 fishchops WPN 2352.0
2 ThaiRus WPN 1124.0
3 GitGud Global Poker 1080.0
4 misclickgnuis Global Poker 1020.0
5 Viroforti WPN 886.0
6 PatePate WPN 832.0
7 ScreenNameIsAlreadyTaken Global Poker 700.0
8 Aardvark2 Global Poker 690.0
9 princ pensii WPN 602.0
10 YellowDart10 Global Poker 580.0
11 thnksfrplyin Global Poker 520.0
11 MothaGrizzle Global Poker 520.0
13 slayerv1fan WPN 476.0
14 Ultimatefish Global Poker 460.0
15 2win WPN 454.0
15 IamMVP WPN 454.0
17 poker12 Global Poker 410.0
17 Benji555 Global Poker 410.0
17 Opted-Out Global Poker 410.0
17 bad ip Global Poker 410.0

2022 - Holdem 9 to 10 Players Turbo - $101-$300 - Count
Ranking Player Country Network Count
1 bbruins13 WPN 61.0
2 jaredpoker Global Poker 49.0
3 fishchops WPN 38.0
4 5HTP WPN 25.0
5 PatePate WPN 21.0
6 Maz11 WPN 20.0
7 thnksfrplyin Global Poker 19.0
8 tdubz224 Global Poker 14.0
8 6betj7 Global Poker 14.0
8 PAT80241 Global Poker 14.0
11 Ice Bank Mice Elf WPN 13.0
11 tbart12 Global Poker 13.0
13 misclickgnuis Global Poker 12.0
13 player160616 WPN 12.0
15 Undaunted Tenacity Global Poker 11.0
16 ScreenNameIsAlreadyTaken Global Poker 10.0
16 MothaGrizzle Global Poker 10.0
16 Viroforti WPN 10.0
19 GitGud Global Poker 9.0
20 UrNoJedi Global Poker 8.0
20 PeanutButterFTTime Global Poker 8.0
20 zotyi91 WPN 8.0
20 Randomizer8 WPN 8.0
20 PLATOSHA666 WPN 8.0