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MainSelection: 2022

MainSelection: 2022
CategorySelection: Holdem 9 to 10 Players Regular

2022 - Holdem 9 to 10 Players Regular - $36-$100 - Profit
Ranking Player Country Network Profit
1 bluespinel WPN 1880.0
2 Fuck3dZone WPN 1630.0
3 Aardvark2 Global Poker 1452.0
4 fishchops WPN 1287.0
5 bbruins13 WPN 961.0
6 Phoenix Lethani Global Poker 882.0
7 Sirbustalotz Global Poker 792.0
8 maysville Global Poker 684.0
8 Lewis0511 Global Poker 684.0
10 freshsqueezedlemon Global Poker 666.0
11 cremebrulee Global Poker 640.0
12 Benji555 Global Poker 542.0
13 Mardog Global Poker 500.0
14 zotyi91 WPN 499.0
15 cisolite Global Poker 486.0
16 YellowDart10 Global Poker 480.0
17 PatePate WPN 479.0
18 GitGud Global Poker 476.0
19 CloudCrusher Global Poker 446.0
20 sirbluffsalot1980 Global Poker 444.0

2022 - Holdem 9 to 10 Players Regular - $36-$100 - Count
Ranking Player Country Network Count
1 thnksfrplyin Global Poker 372.0
2 tommendes7 WPN 359.0
3 player160616 WPN 348.0
4 misclickgnuis Global Poker 255.0
5 5HTP WPN 245.0
6 fishchops WPN 211.0
7 Justin555 Global Poker 197.0
8 bbruins13 WPN 163.0
9 Aardvark2 Global Poker 160.0
10 evilkermit Global Poker 155.0
11 TreeAndFiddy Global Poker 140.0
12 ecto cooler Global Poker 139.0
13 zotyi91 WPN 107.0
14 Lambonali WPN 100.0
15 somtaohral WPN 66.0
16 Randomizer8 WPN 65.0
17 Michmeister Global Poker 64.0
18 PLATOSHA666 WPN 63.0
19 SP1NY WPN 61.0
20 Ice Bank Mice Elf WPN 58.0

2022 - Holdem 9 to 10 Players Regular - $36-$100 - Best 100 Streak
Ranking Player Country Network Best 100 Streak
1 player160616 WPN 24.92
2 fishchops WPN 20.16
3 5HTP WPN 18.5
4 bbruins13 WPN 16.22
5 tommendes7 WPN 12.17
6 Aardvark2 Global Poker 11.7
7 misclickgnuis Global Poker 8.46
8 zotyi91 WPN 7.37
9 TreeAndFiddy Global Poker 6.5
10 ecto cooler Global Poker 6.36
11 evilkermit Global Poker 5.82
12 thnksfrplyin Global Poker 3.72
13 Justin555 Global Poker 0.38