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MainSelection: 2020

MainSelection: 2020
CategorySelection: Any SNGs 4 to 6 Table

2020 - Any SNGs 4 to 6 Table - $101-$300 - Profit
Ranking Player Country Network Profit
1 Punty McGee WPN 1113.0
2 SirIsaacNewt0n WPN 1090.0
3 RamsayBolton WPN 592.0
4 ImHereToFold WPN 550.0
4 Amashbox11 WPN 550.0
6 drawgle17 WPN 535.0
7 TicketAccount WPN 515.0
8 DuudeLovee69 WPN 449.0
9 BabyBowser WPN 243.0
10 evianwater1 WPN 186.0

2020 - Any SNGs 4 to 6 Table - $101-$300 - Count
Ranking Player Country Network Count
1 rocky1717 WPN 20.0
2 DuudeLovee69 WPN 6.0
2 Amsterdem WPN 6.0
4 drawgle17 WPN 5.0
5 DalsueTiltinDonks WPN 3.0
5 RamsayBolton WPN 3.0
5 leshakarpov WPN 3.0
8 evianwater1 WPN 2.0
8 Punty McGee WPN 2.0
8 Opted-Out WPN 2.0
8 SirIsaacNewt0n WPN 2.0
8 BabyBowser WPN 2.0
13 RazorRamon88 WPN 1.0
13 Rondog219 WPN 1.0
13 lucky zeven WPN 1.0
13 gingasnapped WPN 1.0
13 TicketAccount WPN 1.0
13 ImHereToFold WPN 1.0
13 Indoobyious WPN 1.0
13 CollinAllin WPN 1.0
13 jailbait19 WPN 1.0
13 captainAA WPN 1.0
13 Divina19 WPN 1.0
13 Amashbox11 WPN 1.0