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MainSelection: 2020

MainSelection: 2020
CategorySelection: Any SNG 5 to 6 Players Super Turbo

2020 - Any SNG 5 to 6 Players Super Turbo - $36-$100 - Profit
Ranking Player Country Network Profit
1 Alex.i1off PokerStars 28888.0
2 Opted-Out PokerStars 28088.0
3 OneGearGo! PokerStars 26009.0
4 finec2009 PokerStars 25052.0
5 Opted-Out PokerStars 24948.0
6 PercoFF PokerStars 17435.0
7 L.A.Ruseman PokerStars 17296.0
8 drupa-lucker PokerStars 16962.0
9 Kfozz Chico 15393.0
10 poker12 Global Poker 14394.0
11 koenigskebap PokerStars 14002.0
12 Gust'd PokerStars 12932.0
13 Opted-Out PokerStars 11836.0
14 Trionz Chico 10581.0
15 mieraslompolo PokerStars(FR-ES-PT) 10577.0
16 FLOP_WATCH PartyPoker(preMay2021) 9911.0
17 SoyDelGlobo PokerStars 9646.0
18 ju_lunina PokerStars 9482.0
19 Big4TheCity PokerStars 9218.0
20 princ pensii WPN 8631.0

2020 - Any SNG 5 to 6 Players Super Turbo - $36-$100 - Count
Ranking Player Country Network Count
1 spazzy mcmongo PartyPoker(preMay2021) 34064.0
2 ThomasST PartyPoker(preMay2021) 28841.0
3 slayerv1fanpkr PartyPoker(preMay2021) 27249.0
4 OneGearGo! PokerStars 21553.0
5 ko0osty PokerStars 20896.0
6 Opted-Out PokerStars 17648.0
7 Alex.i1off PokerStars 17338.0
8 L.A.Ruseman PokerStars 15925.0
9 Opted-Out PokerStars 13323.0
10 newguy89 PokerStars 12677.0
11 Opted-Out PokerStars 12594.0
12 finec2009 PokerStars 12384.0
13 minjung PartyPoker(preMay2021) 12104.0
14 FLOP_WATCH PartyPoker(preMay2021) 11092.0
15 partyplayer1234 PartyPoker(preMay2021) 10297.0
16 delfina_47 PokerStars 8311.0
17 LuckinGood593 PartyPoker(preMay2021) 7836.0
18 slayerv1fan PokerStars 7585.0
19 Opted-Out PokerStars 7350.0
20 pzpm PokerStars 7196.0

2020 - Any SNG 5 to 6 Players Super Turbo - $36-$100 - Best 500 Streak
Ranking Player Country Network Best 500 Streak
1 Opted-Out PokerStars 19.74
2 Gust'd PokerStars 18.66
3 SoyDelGlobo PokerStars 17.98
4 Opted-Out PokerStars 17.62
5 Big4TheCity PokerStars 17.17
6 Trionz Chico 17.09
7 koenigskebap PokerStars 16.77
8 finec2009 PokerStars 16.37
9 Ch4rm1ngK1d PokerStars 16.29
10 SuleaSpataru PokerStars 15.48
11 Mindlovers WPN 15.45
12 minjung PartyPoker(preMay2021) 15.34
13 FLOP_WATCH PartyPoker(preMay2021) 14.77
14 drupa-lucker PokerStars 14.7
15 poker12 Global Poker 14.66
16 partyplayer1234 PartyPoker(preMay2021) 13.98
16 ko0osty PokerStars 13.98
18 Alex.i1off PokerStars 13.85
19 mieraslompolo PokerStars(FR-ES-PT) 13.76
20 givald PartyPoker(preMay2021) 13.52

2020 - Any SNG 5 to 6 Players Super Turbo - $36-$100 - Best 100 Streak
Ranking Player Country Network Best 100 Streak
1 kandat123 PokerStars 54.26
2 ThomasST PartyPoker(preMay2021) 51.0
3 Gust'd PokerStars 50.3
4 spazzy mcmongo PartyPoker(preMay2021) 49.67
5 Opted-Out PokerStars 48.5
6 Ch4rm1ngK1d PokerStars 47.29
7 finec2009 PokerStars 46.61
8 slayerv1fanpkr PartyPoker(preMay2021) 45.76
9 minjung PartyPoker(preMay2021) 44.46
10 ShootTheSky PokerStars 43.65
11 Big4TheCity PokerStars 42.85
12 suckratess88 PokerStars 42.13
13 FLOP_WATCH PartyPoker(preMay2021) 42.02
14 Alex.i1off PokerStars 41.62
15 Mazurite PokerStars 40.13
16 SuleaSpataru PokerStars 39.55
17 ko0osty PokerStars 39.35
18 Opted-Out PokerStars 38.49
19 MatheusSalomao PokerStars 38.31
20 agarimuscaricus PartyPoker(preMay2021) 38.09