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MainSelection: 2018

MainSelection: 2018
CategorySelection: Holdem 5 to 6 Players Turbo

2018 - Holdem 5 to 6 Players Turbo - $2 and under - Profit
Ranking Player Country Network Profit
1 TembI413 PokerStars 2360.0
2 carpodium PokerStars(FR-ES-PT) 1670.0
3 Dofeitosa PokerStars 1356.0
4 M.Ricardo1 PokerStars 903.0
5 DerGelbeTee PokerStars 888.0
6 junior3107 PokerStars 848.0
7 Miguel081291 PokerStars 646.0
8 fight4myFAM PokerStars 558.0
9 Opted-Out PokerStars 465.0
10 CleveRo4eG PokerStars 460.0
10 V6B6V6 PokerStars 460.0
12 Demol1sh PokerStars(FR-ES-PT) 382.0
13 ROMAELECTRIC PokerStars 356.0
14 TGDevilFenix PokerStars 328.0
15 AllGoodKards Global Poker 318.0
16 CoolleR GM PokerStars 307.0
17 12345straat 888Poker 282.0
18 dacaroli11 PokerStars(FR-ES-PT) 280.0
19 NICOREZENDE PokerStars 279.0
19 villijmeen99 PokerStars 279.0

2018 - Holdem 5 to 6 Players Turbo - $2 and under - Count
Ranking Player Country Network Count
1 TembI413 PokerStars 9503.0
2 carpodium PokerStars(FR-ES-PT) 9139.0
3 Dofeitosa PokerStars 8726.0
4 aledeinno PokerClub 7836.0
5 Opted-Out iPoker 5868.0
6 M.Ricardo1 PokerStars 4984.0
7 Opted-Out PokerStars 4716.0
8 junior3107 PokerStars 4086.0
9 MangoStickyRice PokerClub 3971.0
10 DerGelbeTee PokerStars 3675.0
11 Miguel081291 PokerStars 3561.0
12 CoolleR GM PokerStars 3518.0
13 NICOREZENDE PokerStars 3341.0
14 dacaroli11 PokerStars(FR-ES-PT) 3134.0
15 TGTorrasque PokerStars 2957.0
16 TGDevilFenix PokerStars 2949.0
17 youngteen PokerStars 2825.0
18 Giga078 PokerStars(FR-ES-PT) 2652.0
19 burroesabbia PokerClub 2574.0
20 ROMAELECTRIC PokerStars 2532.0

2018 - Holdem 5 to 6 Players Turbo - $2 and under - Best 500 Streak
Ranking Player Country Network Best 500 Streak
1 Opted-Out PokerStars 0.52
2 TembI413 PokerStars 0.51
3 DerGelbeTee PokerStars 0.5
4 fight4myFAM PokerStars 0.44
4 junior3107 PokerStars 0.44
6 M.Ricardo1 PokerStars 0.43
7 CleveRo4eG PokerStars 0.41
7 ArielGS86 PokerStars 0.41
7 doktorrrr_hs PokerStars(FR-ES-PT) 0.41
10 carpodium PokerStars(FR-ES-PT) 0.4
11 Miguel081291 PokerStars 0.36
11 Opted-Out PokerStars 0.36
11 Demol1sh PokerStars(FR-ES-PT) 0.36
14 Dofeitosa PokerStars 0.35
14 V6B6V6 PokerStars 0.35
14 TGTorrasque PokerStars 0.35
17 12345straat 888Poker 0.33
17 CoolleR GM PokerStars 0.33
17 villijmeen99 PokerStars 0.33
20 AZDaddyO Global Poker 0.32
20 ROMAELECTRIC PokerStars 0.32

2018 - Holdem 5 to 6 Players Turbo - $2 and under - Best 100 Streak
Ranking Player Country Network Best 100 Streak
1 AllGoodKards Global Poker 1.64
2 jump judy 2 Global Poker 1.44
3 ricepotato Global Poker 1.21
4 TembI413 PokerStars 1.01
5 Opted-Out PokerStars 0.99
6 fight4myFAM PokerStars 0.92
7 ringsLEADER WPN 0.89
8 junior3107 PokerStars 0.88
9 CleveRo4eG PokerStars 0.85
10 Veretelnikov PokerStars 0.84
11 TGTorrasque PokerStars 0.82
12 Dofeitosa PokerStars 0.79
12 M.Ricardo1 PokerStars 0.79
14 Russian56bos PokerStars 0.78
14 doktorrrr_hs PokerStars(FR-ES-PT) 0.78
16 OdisN13 PokerStars 0.77
17 carpodium PokerStars(FR-ES-PT) 0.75
18 BSpencer23 PokerStars 0.74
18 Opted-Out PokerStars 0.74
20 AleandroBurn PokerStars 0.73
20 rafaelvrc PokerStars 0.73
20 trezão PokerStars 0.73
20 DerGelbeTee PokerStars 0.73